Full Circle: The GFL Journey from Receiving to Giving Back

In a heartwarming journey, our GFL girls ventured into the community not only to receive support but to give back in a profound way. One girl, touched by a sense of déjà vu, realized she had once stood in the same place during her childhood, seeking food and facing homelessness. The experience transported her to a different time, but this time, she had the opportunity to give back and redeem herself.


At GFL, we believe in the power of gratitude and giving. Our girls aren’t just recipients; they’re contributors to a community that has embraced them. We teach them that regardless of their past, they don’t carry a chip on their shoulder. Instead, they walk with gratitude, knowing that despite challenges, they have the ability to change the present.


Join us in celebrating the beautiful circle of giving, where the GFL community transforms not just the lives of our girls, but also the very community that once provided a helping hand.